Use/Run the DEMO.EXE file for trade shows and store displays. This is a 15 min. self running demo. Use the TITLE.PCX, MENU.PCX and A.PCX graphic files in your catalog. Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ The PHONICS READING & SPELLING SYSTEM has been designed to teach children and adults the phonetic reading and spelling methods. This package will teach the basic phonics sounds, the alphabet, how to find letters on the keyboard, how to spell phonics words and reading sentences. This package is interactive with graphic, music and voice. By using a game like approach, the PHONIC SYSTEM is fun ! This is a complete HEARING, SEEING and SAYING package with REAL SPEECH. The PHONICS SYSTEM will provide the child or adult with the basic reading tools enabling them to read other books and materials. PHONICS IS FUN !!!! VGA graphics and hard drive are required. Supports sound boards. DareWare Short Description ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The PHONICS READING & SPELLING SYSTEM will teach children and adults the phonetic reading and spelling methods. Supports sound boards. DareWare Distribution requirements and allowances for PHONICS 123: 1) PHONICS 123 may be sold by way of shareware rack vending under contract with DareWare Inc. 2) UNregistered versions of PHONICS 123 may be listed and sold by catalog for less the $6.00. 3) UNregistered versions of PHONICS 123 may be uploaded to BBS's. 4) UNregistered versions of PHONICS 123 may be given to friends and associates. 5) PHONICS 123 may be sold through commercial channels so long as the full commercial package is purchased from DareWare Inc. by the dealer or distributor. 6) PHONICS 123 may be bundled with hardware and/or software under contract with DareWare Inc. Copyright (C)1994 DareWare Inc. 3005 Glenmore Ave., Baltimore, MD 21214 USA 410-426-0649 All Rights Reserved